Monday, 27 February 2017

Our recent adventures

Every day is an adventure with my boys!  They have so many projects and ideas in their minds.  They certainly keep me on my toes.

This new year I have personally been trying hard to make more intentional use of my time.  I'm focusing on priorities and really thinking are about where my priorities should lay.  Well because I am a woman of action this has been difficult for me.  I'm an "All or nothing" kind of gal.  I hate doing a half job of everything just to say I'm balanced.  So I'll be honest and let you know that I wrestled a lot with how to use my time and energy. I'm still daily having to remind myself of my thoughtful decisions.

Slowly I feel more present with the boys and I'm loving it! I know I was missing out of so much from worry and other distractions.

Here are some photos of what we've been up to recently.
Playing at the local nature centre

Wood working

Stacking wood


Writing a book

TJ's three motor vehicle

One of MJ's many Lego cities

Snow catepillar

MJ's Super Mario character drawings

Ice skating


Board games

Forrest play

Bringing home a tree

One apple up on top

crafts time

TJ's glow bug

I'd love for you to follow our adventures on Facebook and Google+ too.
Be sure to share what you have been up to in the comments below.

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