Monday, 2 December 2013

Me Again Creations - open again!

Announcing the awesome re-opening of Me Again Creations!!

I make hand made unique creations made most often from upcycled clothes and material.  Come and visit my website and be sure to 'like' my Facebook page.  Blow are just a few pictures from the shop.  Custom orders are encouraged so I don't have too much inventory siting around and customers have more input into their one of a kind creation.

Click here for my website Me Again Creations

Click here for my Faebook Page Me Again Creations

I guess you can see why I haven't posted much!  Ha!! Okay that and the daycare, business, kids, personal life, etc. have kept me from posting more often.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Fall activities

Obviously I have not kept up with the blogging each week.  This fall we have been to the local farm each week.  We have also visited a lavender farm and pumpkin farm.
TJ at a farm
Boys looking at pumpkins
Corn Maze
The lovely weather  has encouraged many long walks and fun playing in the leaves!

TJ learned to ride a bike with no training wheels.  I bought a new helmet and off we went (almost every day)

Of course we cleaned up our gardens, harvested veggies and made a lot of applesauce.

We have carved pumpkins, enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and surprised family with the news of our own little pumpkin to be joining us in early June.

Autumn has been good

We are very blessed.
MJ decorating a pumpkin

TJ's gourd

Helping with the leaves

Our growing family (baby is coming in June)
Fall boys ready for AWANAS at church

MJ on a pony ride at the church fall fair


Michaelmas is a lesser know festival celebrated now mostly by the  Waldorf community.  I am really not good at explaining the history behind this holiday.  I'l try to update the post later but for now I encourage you to Google it.

During the week we gathered golden rod from fields nearby to dye a silk.  It came out much lighter than I expected.
We also made swords out of sticks and dressed up to play nights and dragons a lot.

We made dragon bread twice!  Once for ourselves and once for the celebration we planed with friends on the weekend.


We added a needle felted dragon to our nature table.  He now lives in Super Sam's forest.

On the weekend we invited some Waldof homeschoolers over to celebrate.  We had set up some games such as harvest veggie toss, javelin throw, sandbox castle building, decorate a dragon, and pool noodle sword fighting on the balance beams.  The children mostly enjoyed playing with out castle playhouse.

We had circle time with fall songs and a Michaelmas story that I wrote for the day.  I have included my story below if you wan to use it.

We all went on a short walk after a potluck dinner.  Dessert was an amazing dragon shaped cake on of the families brought!

It was a lot of fun!!

The Last Dragon
by Meaghan Jackson

This story takes place in a village long a go.  It had been plagued for months by a dragon.  This dragon had burden for the forest, and surrounding fields.  The path of destruction was now heading towards the villages. The villagers went to see the king.  He listened to their concerns and sent messengers out immediately.  Knights from all over were summoned.  No one was brave enough to come.  Just when they were about to give up, Sir George the knight arrived. The villagers wished him well and off he set towards the charred forest.

He was gone for three days.  Everyone lost hope. Then in the distance the villagers and king saw the dragon coming towards them. Everyone was terrified and ran to hide.  Then a small child spotted George on the dragons back.  He stopped just outside the castle and addressed the king.

"Oh king.  I came to your kingdom to offer my services in vanquishing this dragon from your land.  I now come before you on behalf of this dragon to ask that you spare his life.  I have discovered that he is the last dragon of his kind.  He feels so badly that he has destroyed your forest and fields.  This poor creature has been calling and searching in the darkness for any other dragons.  His flames were meant to signal others of his kind.  This dragon does not want to hurt or destroy any more.  Is there any way he can be of service to your kingdom?"

The king thought long and hard.  He consulted his wise men and they come up with a great idea.  The seasons would be changing soon and the weather was getting colder.  Perhaps the dragon could help to keep the castle furnaces warm.  The dragon could also help in the bakery each week to bake the bread for the whole village.

And so it was that the fierce, destructive dragon changed because of the courage of Sir George the knight.  The dragon now brought warmth, strength and light to the villagers through the cold winter months.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Felt and knitting

Over the past few weeks we have been very hands on and craft!  I am slowly working on Christmas gifts behind the scenes.  I can't wait to show you, but will have to wait so I don't give away any surprises.  As the seasons are changing we have been working on some more practical items too.

TJ is learning to finger knit!
All the children's toys needed a new scarf for the fall so I spent a day knitting up a few.

I know our floors can get chilly so I made up some slippers for the daycare children using this pattern.  I didn't want them to start fighting over the other sets of slippers the boys have out grown.  I prefer these simple ones better.  TJ loved them too and I made him a pair of slippers using very very fuzzy soft wool he picked out.
There is another pair of green ones, somewhere in the house!

I originally made these slippers for MJ for St. Nicholas Day, but since everyone else is getting slippers for the fall I couldn't leave out my little guy.
slippers made from felted sweater.
Michaelmas is approaching and we needed a dragon for our stories.  He is currently awaiting wing re-attachment surgery as MJ discovered we need to be gentle with our dragon.

I saw an idea on Pintrest and tried it for ourselves.  We made felted soap using this tutorial.  Our first attempt didn't work, but using the stockings worked great.  The boys felted while playing in the bath and love their new soaps.

Our Week - 2&3

Week 2 
This week we talked a lot about leaves.  We went on some nature walks to collect leaves. Then after reading the book Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert, we made our own leaf creatures.

This week was also speckled with doctor's visits, baking and canning.  We made lots of apple sauce and catsupish (sort of runny catsup).

In Super Sam's world we made kites and there were more mysterious fires in the forrest.  Kits were a lot of fun for everyone including the daycare kids.

Baking day
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
A page from Leaf Man
Leaf man made with my and a daycare child
Mommy's leaf horse
My neice's leaf fairy
TJ's leaf man

The highlight of the weekend was that TJ learned to ride a 2 wheel bike bike with NO training wheels!!  It only took daddy 10min of running beside him until we let TJ loose up and down the cottage road.  He is so proud and happy to be riding around!

TJ riding all by himself!!

Week 3

This week we focused on apples.  We read a story I found about the start hidden inside each apple.  We read the story, cut open apples, made apple prints, and apple sauce.  Oh the boys also made more concoctions.  They spent an entire afternoon using up kitchen pantry.

We also went to more appointments, a walks, playground, garden centre and farms, along with a homeschool picnic!

In Super Sam's world we learned about a dragon in the forrest.  We have also been very crafty!!

Monday, 9 September 2013

Our Week -1

This has been an amazing first week of September. I very much loved our daycare group from the summer.  This week I have noticed how calm everyone is with less children.  I am able to focus a little more on my boys and say yes more often to their wildly creative ideas.

Here are some highlights of our week:

Monday: MJ was really sick with strep throat, Timmy and Daddy fixed a car, mommy got to do lots of fall cleaning.

Tuesday: We went for a walk in the forest to collect nature items.  Then returned to create nature mobiles.  In the afternoon almost everyone slept (including my non-nappers) which was a nice surprise!   TJ and I had a chance to make some cool tin can phones that works well.

Wednesday: We went to an awesome picnic meeting our new co-op friends.  The children played for well over an hour climbing a tree, then moved on the the playground and splash park.

Thursday: MJ is almost back to his old self though still a little more crabby than usual.  We went for another forest walk. During our walk TJ wanted to bring along the recorder.  He played growing music and sang songs to all the trees.  The boys all played together in the sand box.  Tj and another daycare boy had some afternoon painting along with making some con husk dolls.  Later in the day while I was making dinner the boys wanted to copy and cook some berries they collected in the forest.  They each made some "garden soup" to feed with their toys.  After dinner we went to see Disneys Planes in 3D.  It was MJ's first movie.  They loved the movie and had fun.  Made a huge mess of the theatre with food too.

Friday: Today we waited patiently in a clinic for TJ's blood work only to find that we couldn't get those particular test done there.  So we moved on to Frootogo for some farm fun!  The boys loved playing there and picking apples.  This week TJ has also been writing lots of lists on the large chalk board (it's his now).  He sounds out words and makes lots of To Do lists for himself.  Later in the evening the church up the street had it's fall fair.  The boys had a great time playing games and each had a pony ride!

Weekend: On the weekend the boys went to Nanny and Grampy's house to go to my dad's company picnic.  My mom's good luck rubbed off as the boys each won a prize.  Mommy was able make and can over a dozen jars of apple sauce and get some office work done!  The boys also carved into pie pumpkins daddy bought.  Next they took a hammer and nail to create cool designs and their initials in the jack-o-lanterns.

On to a new week of adventures!!!

Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...