Sunday, 20 October 2013

Fall activities

Obviously I have not kept up with the blogging each week.  This fall we have been to the local farm each week.  We have also visited a lavender farm and pumpkin farm.
TJ at a farm
Boys looking at pumpkins
Corn Maze
The lovely weather  has encouraged many long walks and fun playing in the leaves!

TJ learned to ride a bike with no training wheels.  I bought a new helmet and off we went (almost every day)

Of course we cleaned up our gardens, harvested veggies and made a lot of applesauce.

We have carved pumpkins, enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and surprised family with the news of our own little pumpkin to be joining us in early June.

Autumn has been good

We are very blessed.
MJ decorating a pumpkin

TJ's gourd

Helping with the leaves

Our growing family (baby is coming in June)
Fall boys ready for AWANAS at church

MJ on a pony ride at the church fall fair

1 comment:

Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...