Monday, 30 November 2020

Self Care for Moms - Interview with Jackie Johnson

Managing children, working and being a mom can be overwhelming at times. It can be hard to find time for ourselves and keep a positive mindset. Hearing about how other moms handle the demands of life can be inspiring and give us some great tips we might now have thought of. This year I have met some of the most amazing women. This week I'm chatting with a fellow entrepreneur and homeschooling mom.

Listen to this episode:

About Jackie

Jackie Johnson is a Holistic Brand Strategist who founded Wildling Botanicals, Wildling Dreams and Wildling Herbs. Through her businesses, she has created proprietary body care and herbal supplement products from homegrown, clean ingredients she farms herself. Jackie's credentials also include a 15 year career in business, helping grow retail, hospitality and fitness companies before striking out on her own to create luxury wellness products she wasn't finding in the marketplace. She brings a much-needed perspective to the beauty world by joining nature and business together, so that she can empower others to continue growing into the #wildbeauty they already are inside and out.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Jackie got started with Wildling Botanicals
  • How to manage running businesses and being a mom
    •  Include your children and make it part of the family lifestyle
  • Making time for yourself 
  • What happens when kids interrupt your quiet time
  • Teaching our children self care
  • Our empathetic children and how to help
  • Be proactive instead of reactive to stress in your home
  • Self care tips for moms
    • Community is a key part to self care
  • Holiday self care advice

Connect with Jackie

Wildling Botanicals:




Wildling Dreams :

Wildling Herbs:

For more support in your parenting journey join the Gentle/ Peaceful Parenting Community and follow Joyful Mud Puddles on social media @joyfulmudpuddles

Thursday, 26 November 2020

How Infant Development Helps Parent Development


Guest Post by Heather Boyd, O.T.

Our role as mothers, and as parents, is one that can surprise us, and the worries that we end up having in supporting our baby’s development can be intense. Who would have thought we’d be so interested in the minute movements of our babies, from chest rising and falling as they sleep, to watching their tongue stick out in imitation of us, to the shape and colour of their poop! Although I talk a lot about infant development (it’s been my focus professionally for over 20 years), we don’t often talk about how our baby’s development is woven into the fabric of our own development as parents. 


When will they roll? 
When will they crawl? 
When will they eat solids? 
When will they say their first word?  
When will they sleep through the night? 

Underneath these questions, though, are more uncertain ones: 

What can I do to make sure my baby grows and thrives? 
If my baby has trouble (crawling, managing solids, sleeping) is it my fault? 
What toys do I need so my baby can develop the way they should? 
How do I get this "right" so I help my baby develop? 
Why does so much of what I read conflict with each other? 
How do I know what to do? 

Somewhere under the questions, the curiosities, and the concerns, is a deeper truth:  your parenting role matters more than what usually gets appreciated. And yet not always in the way you expect. 


There is no such thing as perfect parenting, or the perfect environment. What there is, however, is the possibility of deep joy and curiosity about who your baby is, what amazing skills they will express next, and how to keep "caught up" with the incredible speed at which your baby is changing. 

I see one of the most powerful roles we can play as mothers is simply to establish a loving, safe, and simple yet stimulating environment for our babies to develop skills at their own pace. By focusing on the relationship (and our secure attachment) with our babies we are in a better position to make decisions about what our babies need, and can take greater joy in watching their development emerge. 

So, as your baby grows in the coming months and years, remember that you are growing too! Keep your eye on the biggest priority of all -- the one that keeps your baby's world secure and fascinating: your relationship with them. Which means that while you feel like parenting is all about your baby, it’s worthwhile flipping that idea over and reflect on parenting being all about you: 

The world you create for your baby helps them feel safe and secure. And this supports babies in being confident and curious, calm and playful. 

The simple yet nurturing relationship you are working towards having with your child will do far more to support their motor, cognitive, and emotional development than any toy will ever do. 

What can you do to support your own development? Here are four ideas to reflect on: 

1. Self-regulation: by focusing on your own feelings and needs, and your ability to regulate your reactions, you are able to process information better and make decisions that align more with your priorities as a parent. 

2. Growth of your own priorities, traditions and values. The perspectives you had before becoming a parent might start feeling kind of outdated! And although there are traditions and values that hold deep value for you, there may be new parenting perspectives that you are developing that feel at odds with what you expected. Approach the shift in your role and your identity as a parent with flexibility and self-forgiveness. Change is hard, navigating new roles can include grieving the loss of old ones, but your personal growth as a mother can also feel powerful. 

3. Holding space for big feelings (your own and your baby's!): After reflecting on your own big feelings, it is naturally easier to accept and hold space for your baby' feelings. Baby-hood can be frustrating! And a young mind cannot yet regulate these big feelings without support. By staying as calm and soft as possible, you are helping your baby manage their own big feelings through co-regulation. 

4. Mental wellness and emotional well-being. Parenting can be anxiety-producing, and many mothers feel overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed. Finding ways to fill your own cup (self-care), feeling sustained emotionally and mentally (rest, connection, and community), and getting skilled support from a mental health professional are three ways to support your own emotional development as a parent. 

Although your baby's development in the first 3 years is profound and incredible, so too is the development you are undergoing. Parenting is an extraordinary and significant journey filled with big ups and downs. And so, as you worry and delight in the transformation you see your baby undergoing, know that your transformation as a parent is just as extraordinary. 

To explore infant and parent development further, see 

Heather was also on the Joyful Mud Puddles Podcast 
talking about Infant Sleep Development

Connect With Heather

Family Sleep & Development: 
Grace Under Water Environmental Health:

For more support in your parenting journey join the Gentle/Peaceful Parenting Community on Facebook with Joyful Mud Puddles

Monday, 23 November 2020

Balancing working and being a mom- Interview with Lori Ervin

Many moms are juggling working and parenting. It can be a delicate balance some days to make sure that you don't burn out. It takes being intentional about your time and priorities in the choices that you make each day. Join me today on the Joyful Mud Puddles Podcast as I chat with Lori Ervin Network Marketing Specialist all about balancing working and being a mom.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Lori got started in network marketing
  • Balancing working and being a mom 
  • Being intentional with our time and priorities
  • Choice in what we do and our priorities
  • Mom guilt and comparison (It's a real thing)
  • School choices
  • When to get your work done
  • Mindset and personal development
  • Advice for moms who want to be entrepreneurs
  • Treating ourselves as well as we treat our kids (lots on self-talk)
  • Holiday Advice

Meet Lori

Hi I'm Lori, I am obsessed with helping women build businesses, on their terms and inside their busy lives. I have been a Network Marketing Leader for over 6 years now, and have helped hundreds of women grow thriving businesses. I now work with female entrepreneurs and women inside the Network Marketing Industry to build online businesses and realize their dreams.




For more support in your parenting journey be sure to follow 

Joyful Mud Puddles on Facebook and Instagram @joyfulmudpuddles 

and join the Gentle/Peaceful Parenting Community

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Huge List of Christmas Countdown Ideas

Anticipation is mounting for Christmas day. Many families like to countdown the days until Christmas in a special way. Advent calendars are hugely popular and there are many other ways to count down...

Christmas Countdown Ideas

  1. Treats in a store bought or homemade advent calendar
  2. Small items in a store bought or homemade advent calendar
  3. Notes of appreciation or love notes
  4. Quotes and verses in an advent calendar
  5. Holiday surprises (Sparkle stories has a wonderful Holiday Magic series) this involves receiving a daily hidden note with an activity to do.
  6. Audio story countdown (Sparkle Stories has several that we enjoy)
  7. Wrap 25 books to read one each day
  8. Hang a special ornament on your tree each day
  9. Jesse Tree - Reading parts of the Bible from Genesis to Jesus
  10. Paper chain
  11. Move the nativity figures closer to the manger scene
  12. Advent Spiral
  13. Do a different activity each day as an alternative to treats in your advent calendar. This could involve family activities, crafts, outings, movies and more.
  14. Acts of kindness (donate, serve, volunteer, give, help, surprise)
  15. Read a portion of the nativity story
  16. Learn a new fact around a Holiday theme (check out our unit study ideas)
  17. Watch a Christmas movie each day
  18. Add pieces to a photo or scene each day
  19. Reverse advent by collecting one item to donate each day

What my family is doing

Our family has a nativity set up and a pathway leading to the manger. Each day Mary and Joseph move closer. One each of the Sundays of Advent we add more to the scene. Week 1 rocks and minerals, week 2 plants, week 3 animals, week 4 people. We love seeing the display build up over the month. All the pieces have been lovingly made over the years by the boys and myself or purchased from very special markets.

We really do slow down on homeschooling in December but I like to make sure our focus in on Jesus. I have so many great theme ideas, so I asked the boys to vote on what they'd like to learn about.  This year we are learning about the different symbols you might see around the holidays. We will learn about one symbol a day along with some activity that relates (sort of, hopefully).

Below is a list of what I'm doing with my boys. It isn't in too much detail but there are links to some pages and my Pinterest board. If you'd like to hear more send me a message or follow us on social media.

Symbols of Christmas

Advent 1 – Rocks and minerals – Read part of nativity story 

Last day of November surprise note about our December theme and adventure 

 1. Candy cane – Luke 2:8 also story of Candy Cane, Jesus is our Shepard – candy cane experiments, hook candy canes game 

 2. Wreath – John 19:2 – Crown on Jesus’ head, God’s love never ends -make a wreath 

 3. Angels – angels appeared in several places in Nativity story – make angles out of nature

 4. Candles – Luke 1:79 – Jesus is the light of the world – make candles, go out to see lights 

 5. Bells – ring out to announce the coming of the Lord – play with all our musical instruments

 6. Advent 2 – Add nature, keep reading nativity story

 7. St. Nicholas – Fun symbol, read Santa story book, leave surprises in shoes, leave surprise treats for friends too 

 8. Holly – Matthew 26:28 Blood of Jesus, sharp like the crown, gather nature to decorate house  

 9. Fir tree – John 3:16 Represents eternal life and points to God – set up the tree 

 10. Star – Matthew 2:2 Star above Bethlehem – make origami or paper stars 

 11. Colours – red is blood of Christ, green is everlasting, gold symbol of royalty – art work, get out all our supplies, sensory bin

 12. Caroling – Luke 2:13-14 – listen to music- watch video about story behind a song, dance party 

 13. Advent 3 – add animals, read about shepherds in nativity story

 14. Christmas Crackers – read about them, how are they made, buy or make some. 

 15. Ornaments – make some ornaments, 

 16. Cookies and food – make cookies, try some Christmas food from a bakery 

 17. Cards – read about cards, make cards for friends 

18. Poinsettia – tell story of poinsettia, visit garden centre 

 19. Gifts – Matthew 2:11 – gift of the magi – wrap presents and go shopping 

 20. Advent 4 – Add people, read about Jesus

 21. Spiral, Winter – make our own spiral, read about spiral, maybe invite friends 

 22. Mistletoe  - read, find some silly Christmas games - new game  

23. Nativity scene – watch a movie, read a different perspectives 

 24. Stockings – tell a story about stockings, set out ours, Christmas eve gift to open

What does your Advent calendar or holiday count-down look like?

For more ideas check out my Pinterest board and follow me on Pinterest

Monday, 16 November 2020

Moms Supporting Each Other Interview with Ashley Davis

Can you imagine the incredible impact we'd all have on the world if mothers could gather together and support one another? Some times it feels like we are all in this together, yet mom shame and guilt is still such a problem.

Today on the Joyful Mud Puddles Podcast I chat with Ashley Davis a fellow homeschool mom and podcaster.

In this episode we talk about:

Honest real motherhood on social media

Mom envy

Importance of community

Mom shame

Build your own spot on the wall from Nehemiah

Preparing for the Holiday season - have a plan, self care

Build your own spot on the wall

While we were talking Ashley brought up the story in the Bible from Nehemiah where the Israelites are rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah Chapters 2-7 we read the prophets accounts of rebuilding the wall, the favour granted to him by the king and also of the opposition they received.  

They were working with all their heart on a common goal to rebuild the city God had given them. In the face of much ridicule and opposition they prayed and trusted what God had put on their hearts to do. But notice that each individual and family worked on their own spot on the wall. They did not compare, or give advice. They did not put each other down either. This is what our lives should be like also. Working together towards one common goal wether it be homeschooling, parenting, living as Christians, we don't need to obsess with what everyone else is doing when we have our own work to be done.

When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work. Nehemiah 4:15

Later when the opposition gets stronger Nehemiah stations guards and equips the Israelites while they work. We also need to be well equipped for the enemy to attack. Look around and see who is surrounding you. Will the protect you? Will they encourage what you are doing? Have they got your back? We need to surround ourselves with the right support system, our tribe who will help build the wall together. 

When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. Nehemiah 6:16

Never loose sight of God's hand in all we do. He sets it on our hearts to continue in the paths He has for us. God is there to help every step of the way. We do not need to carry this burden alone.

Connect with Ashley



The Homeschool Conversations Podcast

For more support in your parenting journey be sure to follow Joyful Mud Puddles on Facebook and Instagram @joyfulmudpuddles and join the Gentle/Peaceful Parenting Community

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Holiday Season Unit Study Ideas

Many families slow down on their school work over the holiday season. But you don't need to completely stop (unless you want to, which is totally okay too). Here are some fun themes you could learn about or play around with. How deep you go is really up to you. You could even incorporate these themes into an advent calendar.

Holiday Season Themes

1. Different Names of Jesus or God

2. Holiday book novel study

3. Different winter celebrations and holidays

4. Holiday traditions around the world

5. Winter weather unit

6. Animal adaptations and how they survive (including hibernation, migration and adaptation)

7. Holiday symbols and what they represent

8. Study the story or history behind select Christmas carols

9. Christmas or holiday foods from around the world

10. Children's picture books, book study or even write your own

11. Jesse Tree - move through the bible from Genesis to Jesus

12. Character study of different people from the Nativity

Where to get materials? 

I'd love to curate unit study for you. I do offer Homeschool Coaching and my individual families have asked me to help with unit studies before. Let's Chat

I'm not affiliated to any special sites. I keep it really simple and use what I find online. Others have put a lot of thought and work into creating fabulous materials. Sometimes I'll get a flash of inspiration and come up with my own ideas. I'm not one for spending too much on new curriculum or books but these are sites we like:

Teachers Pay Teachers


YouTube and Google

Local Library

This year I asked my boys what they wanted to learn about. After choosing their favourites from the list we settled on Christmas symbols and their meanings. You can Check out my Pintrest Board Here.

What activities do you do for a Holiday Unit?

This really depends on your own personal goals and priorities for the Holiday Season. I always recommend keeping things simple and focused on creating connections.  That said there are lots of activities you could include depending on your theme:

  • Reading books
  • Watching related videos
  • Write a story
  • Cooking or baking related to the theme
  • Crafts
  • Art projects
  • You may find math activities
  • Madlibs
  • Writing prompts
  • Getting physically active
  • Sensory play
  • Games
  • Telling others about what you learn in some way

What is our family doing?

Below is a list of what I'm doing with my boys. It isn't in too much detail but there are links to some pages and my Pinterest board. If you'd like to hear more send me a message or follow us on social media.

Symbols of Christmas

Advent 1 – Rocks and minerals – Read part of nativity story 

Last day of November surprise note about our December theme and adventure 

 1. Candy cane – Luke 2:8 also story of Candy Cane, Jesus is our Shepard – candy cane experiments, hook candy canes game 

 2. Wreath – John 19:2 – Crown on Jesus’ head, God’s love never ends -make a wreath 

 3. Angels – angels appeared in several places in Nativity story – make angles out of nature

 4. Candles – Luke 1:79 – Jesus is the light of the world – make candles, go out to see lights 

 5. Bells – ring out to announce the coming of the Lord – play with all our musical instruments

 6. Advent 2 – Add nature, keep reading nativity story

 7. St. Nicholas – Fun symbol, read Santa story book, leave surprises in shoes, leave surprise treats for friends too 

 8. Holly – Matthew 26:28 Blood of Jesus, sharp like the crown, gather nature to decorate house  

 9. Fir tree – John 3:16 Represents eternal life and points to God – set up the tree 

 10. Star – Matthew 2:2 Star above Bethlehem – make origami or paper stars 

 11. Colours – red is blood of Christ, green is everlasting, gold symbol of royalty – art work, get out all our supplies, sensory bin

 12. Caroling – Luke 2:13-14 – listen to music- watch video about story behind a song, dance party 

 13. Advent 3 – add animals, read about shepherds in nativity story

 14. Christmas Crackers – read about them, how are they made, buy or make some. 

 15. Ornaments – make some ornaments, 

 16. Cookies and food – make cookies, try some Christmas food from a bakery 

 17. Cards – read about cards, make cards for friends 

18. Poinsettia – tell story of poinsettia, visit garden centre 

 19. Gifts – Matthew 2:11 – gift of the magi – wrap presents and go shopping 

 20. Advent 4 – Add people, read about Jesus

 21. Spiral, Winter – make our own spiral, read about spiral, maybe invite friends 

 22. Mistletoe  - read, find some silly Christmas games - new game  

23. Nativity scene – watch a movie, read a different perspectives 

 24. Stockings – tell a story about stockings, set out ours, Christmas eve gift to open

No matter what you choose for your focus this season I do hope it is full of Joy and Peace.

I can't wait to hear about what you are learning about. Be sure to tag me on social media if you post anything. I'm on Facebook and Instagram as @joyfulmudpuddles

Monday, 9 November 2020

How to Support your teens - Podcast Interview with Charlene Clark


Teenage years can often throw parents for a loop. It is so wonderful that there is support and guidance available. What a blessing to chat with another mom to share her wisdom and advice on connecting more with your teens.

Listen to the podcast episode:

Charlene Clark is the founder of Legacy Moms, a program geared toward Christian mothers who desire more resources and support for themselves & their teens. She is passionate about teaching & empowering children to recognize their potential. She is a certified K-6th grade teacher and also has many years of experience as a ministry youth leader. She is full of ideas, resources and optimism for what is possible when it comes to cultivating our children to walk in their purpose.

During this episode we talk about:

  • How Legacy Moms started
  • Family life
  • How to support your teen
  • Creating an open line of communication
  • Tips for parents with teens
  • Family time together
  • Conversation starters
  • Love Languages (By Gary Chapman)
  • Focus on relationships
  • Parent self-care
  • Kids and hobbies and activities

Connect with Charlene


Facebook Group:


For more support in your parenting journey be sure to follow 

Joyful Mud Puddles on Facebook and Instagram @joyfulmudpuddles 

and join the Gentle/Peaceful Parenting Community

Monday, 2 November 2020

How to SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE by balancing your schedule

Before the whole COVID shut down in March our schedule was packed. Too packed actually. We had something going on every day of the week and a few times my boys had several things in one day. It was as if all these ‘good’ things had taken over. So we were grateful for the break. It was a sudden reminder of how we had let things slip into our schedule. I’m usually mindful of our time, balancing busy and calmer days. Let’s take a look at why it is important to guard our time.

Listen to the episode here:

Why simplify your schedule 

  • Too many scheduled activities may limit internal motivation 
  • Constant activity without downtime is not sustainable 
  • Boredom often leads to creativity 
  • Learn to appreciate the ordinary 
  • Free play offers so many learning opportunities 
  • Too much of a good thing is still too much 

How to simplify your schedule 

  • Balance busy days with calm ones 
  • Give your child time every day to play 
  • Build in down time every day and model that too 
  • Encourage the pursuit of hobbies and interests 
  • Check to see if your schedule matches your values and priorities  

Bible verses about time management 

So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5:15-17 

There is a season for everything, and a time for every event under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what was planted.  Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 

Final thoughts 

It is good to make plans, but always trust your days to the Lord.  Slow down and focus on what is most important.  Children (and adults too) need free time to rest, dream and pursue their interests.  Be in charge of your schedule, guard your time it is a precious resource.

Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...