Sunday, 17 January 2016

Starting off a New Year

Welcome to 2016

To kick off this year we simplified.  I am always into simplifying around here, I just love it!  So we purged each room of the house as we cleaned up from Christmas.  It felt so good to take the house back from the mess and chaos that had accumulated.

TJ has been listening to some stories at the Reading Rainbow Skybrary.  He listened to one story several times over.  He came to me and said "I can see why some people prefer a simple life.  Less stuff to worry about and clean up."

We also simplified our schedule down to the bare minimum.  The boys and I are still going out and doing things, but only when we feel up to it.  Less mandatory scheduled events has reduced our stress and opened us up to many new possibilities.  We'd like to go swimming for fun and go for hikes more.

TJ has finished reading 30 more books.  He is feeling much more confident with his reading, and even helps MJ on occasion. He received an amazing Mechano robot for Christmas.  TJ and daddy to a few evenings to assemble it and now we are having fun playing (check out some videos on Facebook).  TJ's favourite show at the moment is 'Highway Through Hell' which is about two trucks in Alberta.  He has been setting up his own wrecks to recover with all his toy trucks, including Max Tow Truck that MJ got for Christmas.

MJ is starting to take an interest in reading, although he is worried about not getting word correct right away.  He loves playing with baby JJ because the baby laughs at him and is a great audience.  MJ is truly a master builder with Lego!!  He is always coming up with interesting creations that he's made.

JJ is consistently rolling onto his tummy to play.  He is spending more time on his tummy and also loves to grab at everything.  JJ is also amazing at communicating when he needs to go to the bathroom.  Yes our little 5month old uses the potty often.  JJ is always so smiley.  I am hopeful he'll start sleeping in some longer stretches soon (mommy is tired).

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Snapshots of December

In 2015 my word for the year was JOY.  I wanted to seek more joy in the moments of our days.  I determined to slow life down and savour all that I could.  I think I did well with that, though not consistently.  Something that really helped was the idea of "1000 gifts".  You can look it up, but basically I kept a gratitude journal.  The boys and I benefited a lot from reflecting on things we were thankful for.

Okay so these photos are all out of order and only show some of the fun things that December brought us.  We had some wonderful family get togethers and a lovely Christmas.

Actually aside from the fun, December was a hard one for our family.  Our schedule was all off, sleep was out of whack, no one was eating regular foods... so tension and tempers were high.  We did our best and learned a lot about each other and move forward.  

Hanging out with cousins

Baking cookies.  MJ made one with baby JJ in my tummy

Cookie baking with Nanny

Oh look JJ is on his potty.  He is so good at communicating when he needs to go.

Funny photos.  We posed these guys so often this month

Visiting Santa

We found lots of local festivities

Finally a good photo of the boys

The boys love playing with baby

MJ has a great audience with baby JJ

TJ pretending to be a dog

I love my wild Things

Fun bowling for my birthday!  Yup I'm a New Years Eve baby
So now you may be wondering what my new word for 2016 is?  I have reflected a lot and am going with HOPE!

Want some home right now?  I encourage you to head over to Hope for the Weary Mom and grab one or both books they have written.  They are such an encouragement to me and the new devotional has just been released. (It's awesome!  I got a preview copy and can't wait to read it again).

Don't forget to visit us on Facebook

Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...