Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Fun in February

Looking back over the photos of the last month we really have been blessed.  We have so much fun and have many amazing opportunities.  I always say this, but we do so much more than photos can capture...
Super awesome Geode kit the boys got for Christmas

I'm keeping it real here with you all. Although there were some amazing highlights, January and the beginning of February have been hard months here at home.  The boys have been testing us, pushing the limits, and fighting a lot!  I think Jon and I were hitting a breaking point.  Things needed to change.  Thankfully my mom invited the boys and I to join her and my older sister in Collingwood for a week. 
Full car, ping pong, lots of smiles
Swimming, being silly and going for walks
I am so grateful for my mom and sister for jumping in there and helping me with the boys.  They are a lot of work some days especially when my nerves are shot.  The trip was much needed.  We took Zumba classes, swam often, visited the recreation centre and played!  

Coming home again I made some changes to our daily rhythm.  Added in lots more exercise and outside time.  Dance parties are regular features of our week.  The boys are understanding more about how physical activity is important for them.  We've also tried out less screen time and at least TJ agrees that he sees the difference it is making.

Lots of fun exploring outside
We have been on some field trips this past month.  The boys are really into potty humour so I suggested we actually get some book from the library on poop.  Fascinating subject really!  We have learned more on the subject of poop, toilets than I thought possible.

Brothers hanging together
Baby JJ is no longer a little baby.  He is crawling (inch worming) all over the house.  He loves to play with whatever his bothers have out.  JJ is super attached to me and chases me down when I leave the room.  He lets us know often if he needs to potty, has his first tooth, is eating (a lot) and loves his big brothers!!

I finally feel like I can breath.  We are getting back on top of things around here.  So now I'm going to get back back into regular blogging (hopefully).

Do check us out on Facebook for more fun!

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