Sunday, 26 April 2015

Joyful Mud Puddles Blog Award Nomination!!

Oh I am so excited to be nominated my first ever blog award.  Joyful Mud Puddles has been nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award.

I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Unschooling Mamma andPoppy for the nomination.  I jut love reading everything on their blog and have had the honour of writing a guest post for them before too.

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

Now here are the blogs I am nominating for the Real Neat Blog Award:

Answers to the questions I was asked:

Can I just say these questions are tough!  It took me a long time to think up good answers to these.

1     What is the one thing you would like for your child/children to take from their childhood? Well I’m hoping they will take away a lot of wonderful things from their childhood.  If I could just pick one thing it would be curiosity.  I know if they are allowed/encouraged to be curious they will never stop learning.  They will do amazing things in life because they are motivated to keep going.  I try my best to say yes as often as I can and to help direct them to explore answers to their questions.

2       If there was a playlist for your life what would be the number one song?  I am totally not up on music these days.  I’d like to think it would be the song “10,000 Reasons" by Mat Redman  

3      Why did you start blogging?  Originally it was to remember all the fun things I do with my children.  I don’t have time for scrapbooking and never look back at our digital photos.  I had stopped for a year when my old blog got too full.  My father-in-law asked me to start blogging again so he could keep up on what we are doing.  So overall my blog is a chronicle of our thoughts and journey as a family.  I also try to encourage/inspire others who read it.

     If you could be remembered for one thing what would it be?  I would like to be remembered for my faith.  I am certainly not a famous evangelist or anything, but in my own life I will always remember my grandmother for the strong faith she had.  I'd like my life to be an example and reflection of what I believe.

    What is your favourite movie? I think that I’ll go with Shawshank Redemption.  It is one of those movie that I can watch over and see something new in it.   

    Name one thing that makes you smile?  Watching my boys playing outside thoroughly enjoying being kids, knowing that I am totally doing what I strongly believe to be best for them at this stage on our lives!  Every parent makes their own personal decision as to how to raise their kids in a way that they feel is best.  Right now I know that my boys belong outside in the dirt rather than sitting behind a school desk.

    What has been your biggest challenge as a parent?  Oh I have lots of challenges.  This parenting thing is not always easy.  I think my biggest challenge is not actually related to my kids specifically because I know we’ll get through those issues as time goes on.  My biggest challenge is opening myself up to new ways of parenting, and changing myself to be a better parent to my kids.

Okay so now here are the questions I have for the bloggers I’ve nominated.

  1. What is a hobby or interest that you have?
  2. What is your favourite flower and why?
  3. If you could talk to your younger self, what advice would you give or would you liked to have received?
  4. What is the one thing you would like for your child/children to take from their childhood?
  5. Where is a place that you find peace (describe your happy place)?
  6. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog, and what do you want your readers to take away from your blog? 
  7. What would you do if money were no object (say you won the lottery)?
I can't wait to read your responses!!

Don't forget to join us on Facebook too!

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