Saturday, 15 November 2014

Our Week - Nov week2

This week has had so much action it is a wonder I took any photos.  We had so much fun.  The boys are very curious and learning happens so naturally around here.  Baking muffins lead to an impromptu lesson on fractions, which TJ understood.  They are both constantly sounding out words and noticing interesting things about language.  Numbers and counting are a favourite too.

Our week started with a fun addition/subtraction math game that the two boys played together.  We used counters to help MJ find the answers, while TJ preferred his fingers and did some in his head.  MJ then used the counters to invent his own game.  Not sure how it was supposed to go as he changed the rules often.  At one point the red counters were seeds and the blue ones were corn that we placed on the seeds.

MJ also got to go with daddy to work in the morning while TJ had a play date.  MJ dressed just like daddy with jeans, a label on his shirt and a work hat.  He was so thrilled by his adventure.

Later in the day TJ was working on making a felt shoe for his store so MJ copied wanting to make a shoe for me.  He traced my foot and cut the material.  When he realized he trimmed it too small he tried all sorts of scarps to find one the right length.  He sewed a few stitches and announced my flip-flip was complete!!

on the weekend we had pizza which inspired all sorts of imaginative play.  TJ used pillows to make a pizza store.  MJ used his box to build some kind of contraption.  He even set up a whole store for me to come and buy his creation.

TJ has been very crafty all week trying to get orders out as soon as he can for his store.  We are so grateful for everyone's support and encouragement.  TJ has now started three jars at home for his money (save, give, spend).  He is learning a lot about money, responsibility, handiwork, and more.  Best of all he is motivated to learn these things on his own because it is his project.  I'm nudging a little to keep going because it is easy for a 6 year old to get distracted and off task at times.

Remembrance Day gave us beautiful weather.  We went to a local farm with my family.  The boys were all over the place with slides, animals, hay, and a giant sand box.  TJ worked diligently to create a village, while MJ tried to fill the tractors with sand.

At several points throughout the day we took time to talk about what Remembrance Day is all about. My mom was kind enough to get us some poppies, reading material and a craft.   My boys seemed to really understand and offered up the sweetest prayers.

The farms have now found a new home in the boys' bedroom so that we can claim use of the playroom again.  TJ painted a few more wooden animals to add to the farm, while MJ painted small pieces of wood shapes.  He also found a ladybug in amongst our projects.  This week while at the craft store buying more wool for TJ, we also picked up some ornaments on sale to paint.

Both boys are entering a homeschool science fair next week.  MJ is doing a project on the human body.  We traced him and are adding all his organs.  I'm dying of cuteness over here.  I'll take more photos for next week.  

MJ also asked me to make an instruction booklet for his farm... so TJ wrote numbers on sticky notes which they placed on every item in MJ's farm.  We took photos of everything and compiled it as a booklet for him.  MJ was very pleased that we understood his request and did it right.

At the end of the week we got together with another homeschooling family.  My friend had a book of wonderful outdoor craft/art ideas.  The three boys went around the yard making different layers in a jar.  They added a dino somewhere in the jar and topped it off with interesting plants.  MJ of course wanted to do something different, but that was just fine with us.  At the end they did a little show-and-tell to explain what they did.  TJ was so excited to show his friend how to make a teasel hedgehog too.  The boys played a lot of lego together then we went to the park.  They skipped the playground and ran to the trees to make a pine needle nest with pinecone eggs.  MJ climbed a tree on his own and called me when he was half way up!  Gotta keep an eye on that one now.

I can't wait to hear what you have been doing.  Please do share about your adventures...

1 comment:

  1. I love the weekly posts, looks like you had quite a busy week! We're in the process of moving (heading out in 4 days!!) right now so fun has been a little limited, but I think I may start doing the weekly posts too. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Looking forward to your future posts as well. :)


Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...