Thursday, 6 September 2018

The Brave Art of Motherhood

I'm back!  It has been so long since I felt motivated or had the time to blog. But today I can't help but shout to the world and share about this amazing book I am reading!!

I have been following Rachel Marie Martin over at Finding Joy for a while.  I just love her uplifting wisdom and the stories she shares. When I was asked if I would be a part of the book launch team I was delighted and honoured.  I received a copy of the unpublished book to read and review.  So here is my honest review of the book.

To say that this book is life changing is an understatement. We all have the choice to read a book and just put it on the shelf without having been changed as a person, or to read a book, actually think about what is written and do something about it. THIS book can totally change the way you think about yourself and your life. I am so grateful to Rachel for sharing her story, so that I could find the courage to change mine.

In the first part of the book Rachel shares about her struggles and encourages you to see your own life and dreams in a new light. The second part of the book talks about the excuses we all have for not making changes. Then there is some real practical steps that we can all make to move forward, one step at a time. 

Throughout the book Rachel shares her personal life, stories, inspiration and give us HOPE. 
I can not wait to share this book with others. Although the title says it is about motherhood, I have actually applied much of what she writes about with my boys at home and other women I know. I hope you too will be brave, jump in and discover how awesome it is to be the real you!

So are you interested yet?  What to learn more?  You can get a copy of the first chapter over HERE 

Be sure to look and follow Rachel Marie Martin wherever you can:
Facebook, Instagram, good reads, amazon.... You'll be blessed by her inspiring messages.

Where did I go?

 You'll notice this blog stopped posting a few years ago. I made a big announcement about moving to a new website... but that website do...