Thursday, 13 August 2015

Our Week: life with a new born

Wow I can't believe baby JJ is already two weeks old!!  He has grown so much and is spending more time awake too.  We are both doing well.

JJ's brothers are enjoying holding him and helping out as much as possible.  I very much appreciate all the help.  We are still adjusting to life with a new born.  I'll admit there are days when I worry, feel like I'm not doing enough, and am overly tired.  But overall we feel so blessed that pure joy and peace are the best words to words to describe this time.

When I look at JJ while he nurses and sleeps through the commotion of his active older brothers, I am overwhelmed by the peace he exudes.    I so wish I could feel so rested while life is swirling on around me.

My little baby is so precious and fragile.  I am reminded how much I need the Lord.  God gives me strength, peace, everything I need!!

Over the past two weeks we have had several midwife appointments, a baby shower, and several visitors.  Our family and friends have jumped in to take the older boys so daddy and I could have a break.  I can't tell you how much we appreciate everything people have done for us.  For gifts, meals, spending time with the boys, visiting and encouragement!  We are truly blessed.

MJ has been to the Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto and the African Lion Safari with his friends.  The kids had so much fun together with loads of laughs and giggles.  My friend is a super mom for taking on MJ with her own two little ones!!

MJ building robots
TJ has been to some splash parks, his cousin's and had several meals out with mommy or daddy.  He has been enjoying this special one-on-one time.

I am enjoying this slower pace of life.  Nursing and cuddling JJ is a great excuse to slow down, relax and rest.  However I really do hope to keep this slower pace.  I am enjoying just being with the boys instead of always rushing off.  Yes the basic housework is getting done and I still have time to snuggle, watch the boys play AND take the occasional nap!!

TJ hosting another party n the forest

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