Monday, 7 September 2020

Podcast Interview with Orlena Kerek: Fit and Healthy Families


As a mom I want to make sure my kids are eating well and being healthy. It can be so hard sometimes to mange everything and take care of myself too. I am so pleased to have Dr. Orlena on the podcast this week. She is the creator of the Fit and Fabulous Family Program.

Dr Orlena trained as a pediatric doctor in the UK. In 2011 she moved to Spain with her husband and 2 young kids. To cut a long story short, she "accidentally lost" her medical career and turned to the internet to keep herself busy (initially as an outlet from parenting.) She started off helping parents of picky eaters teach their children healthy eating habits. The loss of her career (or self identity) combined with parenting 4 young children (twins came along in 2012) led to an inner emotional turmoil. When she looked at herself, she didn't see the happy joyous mother she aspired to be. When her husband became unwell, she realized that they both needed to prioritize self care. In the last few years, she has pivoted to teaching frustrated professional mothers to lose weight by leading a healthy life so they can feel fit and fabulous. The 4 pillars of self care that she teaches are nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotional wellness. She draws from her own experiences (still walking the trenches of parenting!) as well as the latest scientific research and thinking.

You can listen to the podcast here:

During the podcast we talk about:
  • Her Story
  • Tips for a healthy life style
    • 4 Pillars of nutrition, exercise, sleep and emotional wellness
  • Habits
  • Self care
  • Tips about healthy eating 

My short history (by Orlena):

Paediatric doctor, moved to Spain for lifestyle reasons. “Accidentally lost” my career. Started on line helping people who had picky eaters. I clearly remember one of my kids sitting on the toilet crying because they were constipated. Healthy eating for kids isn’t as easy as presenting them with healthy foods. At that time I was facing my own “inner turmoil”. I’d lost my career, identity and feeling of self worth. I had 4 young kids. I hit rock bottom. I wasn’t turning up to life being the person, mother, wife that I wanted to be. Eventually I started prioritizing my own wellness. I started swimming and reading self help books. Now I help mums who want to lose weight but also have kids who they want to teach healthy eating habits to. For me, weight loss is about leading a healthy life and feeling fit and fabulous, rather than how we look. (I love my own body but mostly as it helps me do all the fabulous things that I want to do such as swimming, cycling, yoga.)

YouTube Podcast: 

What about kids? How do you get kids to eat healthy food, especially if they’re picky? 

1. Don’t pressure 
2. Step back and look at all the food they’re eating
3. Balance and limits 
4. For picky eaters “pic nic” food, always making sure there’s something acceptable. 

Weight loss for mums and healthy eating for kids should be aligned so that you’re eating the same (or similar) foods, cooking one meal for everyone.
Here's the link to the "systems video" (the system I use for buying and cooking.)

Contact Dr. Orlena Kerek

For more support in your parenting journey follow Joyful Mud Puddles on Facebook and Instagram @joyfulmudpuddles and 

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